Final Year LSAD BA Fashion Students showcase at Gardens International


Final Year LSAD BA Fashion Students showcase at Gardens International


Limerick-based BA Fashion Design students with Pathway specialisation in Collection, Textiles, Technology, and Sustainability have been given the opportunity to showcase their graduate collection work at Limerick Twenty Thirty’s Gardens International.

The Fourth and final year Bachelor of Arts in Fashion Design students have developed a more strategic outlook and combined their academic and workplace experiences to produce a cohesive body of work that reflects their development as designers. The talented Limerick School of Art and Design, TUS (LSAD) students fashion exhibition has found a home in one of the city’s most prestigious buildings. A total of 24 pieces of work, are on display. The stunning exhibition is inspired by diverse themes such as the universal expression of heartache, happiness and finding harmony and freedom within oneself.

The exhibition will be open by private viewing from June 18th – July 12th, the times available for viewing are 12-1pm and 2-3pm Monday – Thursday and 10-11am and 11am-12pm on Fridays. Limerick Twenty Thirty are delighted to be partnering once again with LSAD for their fifth collaboration, with the likes of Fashion shows and exhibitions in Gardens International and the Hoarding around Opera Square. This time collaborating to host their students Fashion Showcase in the Premium Hosting space at the multi-award-winning Gardens International building on Henry Street.

The exhibition space is on the ground floor of Gardens International (V94 4D83) located on Henry Street. The exhibition will be open to the public for private viewing through the booking link: Click here for booking link


Dara Kiely from the Fashion Design course created a piece of work titled: “The Love Butcher”. “My collection is an immersion into the subcultures of 1970’s/80’s New York City, namely the sex trade, the gay leather/BDSM scene and the Punk scene. These shapes are supplemented with the use of print – portraying anecdotal stories of key members of each these subcultures and is informed by the bricolage club-flyers, band T-shirts and underground magazine publications that spread the word of Punk throughout New York City.” All the Fashion Design students work can be viewed here: 

Rachel McKinney from the Fashion Textile course describes where she got inspiration for her work titled: “Made In Michigan” “When it comes to art and design, I find myself to be most inspired by history and my family. In 2022, I inherited my great- grandmother’s button collection. This collection came from her time working as a seamstress during the Great Depression and World War II, and throughout the mid-Twentieth Century. The beauty of these tiny pieces of art struck inspiration, and at the same time got me reflecting on my own time as a designer and my time working in an alterations shop.” All the Fashion Textile students work can be viewed here:

Limerick Twenty Thirty, Head of Administration, HR and Communications Kaitlin Roche, who is a previous graduate from the BA Fashion Design course in LSAD together with Dean of Faculty at LSAD Mike Fitzpatrick selected the Fashion Design student’s exhibition.

The LSAD Dean of Faculty, Mike Fitzpatrick, said, “This is our fifth collaboration with Limerick Twenty Thirty, which is doing wonderful work in shaping the future of Limerick with projects such as Gardens International, Opera Square and Cleeves Riverside Quarter. Through these collaborations, LTT are also engaging our students and giving them real life, practical experiences and opportunities”.

LTT’s Kaitlin Roche, said, “We’re delighted to be partnering again with the Limerick School of Art & Design, this time to host their students Fashion Showcase for the coming month at Garden’s International. Gardens is no stranger to fashion, or indeed to LSAD students’ work as we hosted FashionFest, which showcased the best of fashion in Limerick, at the launch Riverfest on the May bank holiday weekend, we would encourage anyone to drop in a see the student’s collections in an ideal location, Gardens International.”