27 Jun Mungret project master-planning underway as Limerick Twenty Thirty engages with councillors and locals
The initial steps are being taken today for the Mungret project development as councillors and the local community will get an outline of the development of the strategic masterplan and urban design strategy.
In the first phase of the master planning process for the 26 hectares of lands owned by Limerick City and County Council in Mungret, Limerick Twenty Thirty – which has been tasked with master-planning and seeking planning permission for 250 units on the site – will give an early vision for the masterplan and the parameters that will govern the project.
Members of Limerick Twenty Thirty’s executive and the Mungret design team will be present at both events, the first of which will be a presentation to local authority members in Limerick City and County Council Headquarters, Merchant’s Quay at 4 p.m, followed by the Information Meeting in Mungret starting at 6 pm.
Speaking ahead of the event, Limerick Twenty Thirty CEO David Conway said: “While it is too early in the process to outline any details, it is an opportunity to engage with the two key groups and get their input.
“Our design team has been in place less than a month and this is essentially its first port of call; to go and engage with these key stakeholders in the project to give them a sense of what’s ahead, what the outline vision for it is and to seek their opinions and suggestions.
“Ultimately, we have a vision and concept for the project and we know the parameters that we will be work with, including heritage and landscape considerations as well as the all-important Local Area Plan. But other than that, we very much have a blank canvas when it comes to detail.”
Limerick Twenty Thirty essentially wants to prepare a high-level masterplan for the residential zoned lands and prepare a more detailed masterplan for the local authority lands within the masterplan area.
Attendees at both events will hear that among the top-line objectives for the project is the delivery of an exemplar new neighbourhood with a clear identity and character that responds to the natural and historic environment and provides a great place to live.
The meetings will also hear of the desire to create a structure that leads people to a mixed-use centre around Mungret College, how the site integrates with the wider area and strengthens the existing locality. They will be told of the need to protect and celebrate historic sites such as the Mungret College, Mungret Abbey and the medieval ringfort and that there will be a green framework created across the site to retain its green assets and enhances biodiversity.
Councillors and community groups will also hear of the delivery of a walkable and cycle friendly neighbourhood that provides easy access to the local schools and amenities through a safe and attractive network of streets and paths, as well as network of streets defined by new buildings and laid out as part of a clear hierarchy.
From a transport perspective, the masterplan will incorporate bus routes through the heart of the
neighbourhood, reducing the need to travel by car, while there will be a mix of high quality homes that give the opportunity to up or downsize within the neighbourhood.
“We want to create something really special for Mungret. We are going to do much more than build high quality homes; we are going to build a community and one that will fit seamlessly with what’s already in place there. We will apply the very best standards to this process so that by the end of it we will have arrived at a really special development scheme that will set a new standard not just for Limerick but nationally.”
The next step in the process will be to review the feedback from both the council and community groups and then move onto the preparation of the concept masterplan. Following this further consultation will take place with a draft masterplan, all with a view then to finalising a masterplan by end of October/November.
We would like your views on the Mungret Strategic Masterplan and Urban Design Strategy. Write your comments in the space provided or on a separate sheet and return to the address below by close of business on Thursday the 12 th of July 2018. Please send to: Limerick Twenty Thirty, 7/8 Patricks Street Limerick or email to mungret@limerick2030.ie
To download the feedback, and comment form, please click HERE
To view the presentation on Strategic Masterplan and Urban Design Strategy for Mungret, please click HERE