Limerick 2030

New ‘living room’ for Limerick is centrepiece of development Limerick City and County Council has unveiled plans for the Opera Site development, promising that it will transform the social and economic profile of the city centre and stimulate growth that will benefit not just its immediate...

Limerick Twenty Thirty is pleased to announce the appointment of city native David Conway as CEO of the Limerick City and County Council established special purpose vehicle charged with delivering the single largest programme of investment in real estate outside the capital. Mr Conway, the...

The most transformational and largest commercial property development programme outside the capital kicks off tomorrow (Tuesday) as work begins on the first Limerick Twenty Thirty contract. The 100,000 sq ft Gardens International Office on Henry Street will be the first speculative build under the programme, which overall will see...

There’s a buzz word abounding Limerick these days and it is ‘renaissance’. Eight years ago Limerick was at the eye of a perfect storm whipped up by global and local economic tornados. Today, it has not alone rode those out but dusted itself off and embarked on...